

A compass on a map with pins in it.

A Message from the Office of 研究了

The world is yours and everything that is in it!

The Office of 研究了 at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 supports all interested students, 无论专业如何, who want to spend a spring break, 一个学期, 或者离开校园,到国家或世界的不同地方参加学术项目,度过整整一学年.

The 研究了 office assists students in selecting appropriate study away programs, understanding the financial implications of studying away, and explaining the credit process. Students interested in studying away for spring break, 一个学期, 或者一年可以从十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔托纳赞助的项目或三百多个十大网投平台信誉排行榜全球项目中选择.


Begin your search by visiting the 全球计划网站 to explore the many long-term (semester, academic year) opportunities offered.

短期项目(春假,10到15天)可以通过十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校获得. Depending on the program, they occur either on an annual or biennial basis. On this page, you'll find descriptions of regularly offered 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 programs.

El Yunque National Forest, 波多黎各


为期八天的游览,让学生通过参观El Yunque国家森林体验服务学习, 波多黎各. 学生们将参加圣胡安卡贝萨斯的保护项目,以及当地社区的救灾和恢复项目. 除了, students will work with the Boys and Girls Club, 辅导家庭作业, assisting with recreational activities, and helping youth practice speaking English. 学生将探索该地区的文化,并与波多黎各公民互动.

巴拿马.Tropical Island Aerial View. Wild coastline lush exotic green jungle. Red Frog Beach in Bastimentos Island, Bocas del Toro, Central America, 巴拿马.

Nursing: Impacting Community Wellness in a Developing Country (巴拿马)



Explore India with Penn State

December 23, 2024–January 1, 2025
Whether exploring the iconic Taj Mahal, attending colorful festivals, or embarking on spiritual journeys along the Ganges River, India promises an adventure unlike any other. 印度提供了一个迷人的融合充满活力的文化,丰富的历史,和多样化的景观. 由十大网投平台信誉排行榜蒙奥图分校协调,该体验向所有十大网投平台信誉排行榜学生开放.


Sheetz Fellows in Europe: Italy and Switzerland

这个程序, designed for the Sheetz Fellows program at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, 侧重于创业企业如何从国家到国家的差异,以及这些企业如何不仅在当地竞争,而且在全球竞争.

La Fortuna Waterfall in Monteverde, Costa Rica

Environment and Culture in Costa Rica

哥斯达黎加拥有史诗般的景观,拥有世界上近5%的生物多样性. 当你穿越不同的雨林保护区,发现这些濒临灭绝的生态系统是多么脆弱,发现令人眼花缭乱的色彩和声音.


London Calling: Ordering the World

为对英国历史和文化感兴趣的英语和历史专业学生设计的为期八天的体验. 为学生提供了提高他们对英国文学知识和理解的机会, 历史, and culture through visiting key sites in the Greater London area.



该计划提供了一个动手学习的经验,以建立语言和文化能力. 课堂和社区互动将探索公平意识和社会正义倾向,并灌输领导技能. 学生将接受西班牙语或萨波特克语(一种在瓦哈卡州广泛使用的土著语言)的语言教学,并将有机会在墨西哥寄宿家庭和朋友的日常生活中培养语言技能.

Image from Dublin Ireland

Ireland: Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship

弗雷德里克·道格拉斯全球研究员将从不同的角度探讨冲突和不公正,以及那些试图为他们的社区和国家带来积极变化的领导人. 学员们将带着新的视角回到美国,了解有效的领导者如何影响积极的社会变革,并被激励成为他们所在社区和世界积极变革的催化剂.


Hope Partners in Costa Rica (Biennially)

为期七天的短途旅行,让学生通过为社区服务来体验一定程度的文化沉浸. 学生们与壁画谈话(一家位于阿尔图纳的非营利艺术组织)和希望伙伴合作, Costa Rica for a unique service opportunity.

  • 任何专业和班级的学生都可以通过创造性的过程寻求跨文化体验.
  • Contact Pam Snyder Etters at (电子邮件保护).

Intercultural Studies in Central America (Annually)

这是一个为期八天的项目,学生们有机会在未被破坏的国家公园里漫步,体验中美洲国家最大的城市和乡村的冒险. Students have an opportunity to spend time in ancient ruins and among modern locals. Students travel on vibrantly colored buses to discovering the locale.

Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea


十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校、韩国成均馆大学和圣. 波尔大学, 奥地利, 举办一年一度的会议,让学术界和业界的专业人士有机会讨论软件保安及保障领域的最新进展,并探讨软件及保障的各个尚未深入研究的方面.

  • Available to information sciences and technology majors of any class standing
  • 联系Syed Risvi (电子邮件保护)

Motorheads: Engineering Program in Southern Germany (Biennially)

一个专为十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校机电工程技术(EMET)专业设计的项目. 该计划的重点是将学生在设计和工程课程中完成的工作与德国汽车工业的实际应用联系起来.

  • Available to EMET majors of junior or senior class standing.
  • Contact Jordan Bittner at (电子邮件保护).

Nursing Program in Cuba (Annually)

一个为期八天的课程,让护理学生沉浸在古巴文化和他们的医疗体系中. 学生们有机会参观一些医疗机构,并参加有关当地卫生系统的客座讲座, 挑战, and solutions in healthcare and healthcare delivery, as well as health promotion. Service-learning is a component of the program, along with a number of hands-on activities like dance lessons and cooking.